Natural Language Processing Solutions

Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis

Text mining or text data mining, also known as text analytics is a branch of artificial intelligence technology that utilizes a variety of methodologies to process text. One of the most important of these methodologies is NLP, short of Natural Language Processing to process and transform the unstructured data found in various types of data resources like documents, databases, emails, text messages into readable structured data and prepares them for analysis and actionable insights. It can also be used to drive machine learning (ML) algorithms for predictive analysis or specific tasks without using explicit instructions.

NLP is broadly utilized in knowledge-driven organizations.

Text data mining is the process of inspecting huge collections of documents to unleash new information or assist in answering particular research queries.
Organizations that are knowledge driven
Examin large collection of data
New information discovered
New facts identified
Information Extracted
Ready to be analyzed
Mind-maps, charts HTML tables
Integrated into data wearhouses, databases or business intelligent dashboards
Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis process

Text mining and natural language processing

Text mining recognizes facts, associations, statements that would otherwise remain hidden in the mass of textual big data. Once fished out, this information is transformed into a structured form that can be further analyzed, or shown directly using clustered HTM tables, mind maps, charts and other forms of data. Text mining leverages diverse methodologies to process text, one of most common of these being Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The Structured data generated by text mining may be integrated into databases, data lakes, data warehouses or business intelligence dashboards.

Here are some areas NLP & Text analysis can be applied

Automate reading of lengthy text to extract important information. This will free up your resources for more important tasks, save you many hours of work and thousands of dollars.
Develop AI based chatbots interacting with users in a personalized way.
Enhance your customer service by mining voice call logs to identify unhappy customers, and their issues in a more efficient way before they cost you money and time.
Perform sentiment analysis
Define customer behavior trends in social media sites, blogs and posts.
Speedy document classification by type (i.e. invoice, or other legal documents

Our technology

To deliver state-of-the-art NLP solutions, we bring the following libraries and technologies to bear:

Open NLP, NLTK,, Readerbench, Dialog Flow & IBM Watson.

Got a project in mind?

Reach out to us today to find out how we can apply this revolutionary technology to your project.